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FREELUCY is a visual relationship editor extending ServiceNow capabilities to create, remap and delete relationships easily. Its drag & drop simplicity will ensure that it can create only permitted.
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Introducing: FREELUCY V3.0

Introducing: FREELUCY V3.0

How is managing your relationships in ServiceNow going for you? Do you see yourself in one of the following statements?

  • Managing relationships in ServiceNow in the traditional way is too slow for me.
  • I need recommendations when managing relationships on ServiceNow.
  • The standard relationship management tool in ServiceNow is not user-friendly enough, and I need a more visual tool.

Then we have the perfect tool for you – meet FREELUCY.



FREELUCY is an intuitive, fast, and easy-to-use visual relationship editor on ServiceNow. It is fully embedded in ServiceNow platform, a.k.a. 100% Built on Now, works like a plug-in you can simply turn on, and it is completely for free. (Read the latest Release Notes.)



You don't need to be an Enterprise Architect to understand or use FREELUCY.  Anyone from your team can use it, because it is just that simple and intuitive! Read further to see our two main user groups and their use-cases. (You can also watch our 11-minute webinar about FREELUCY here.)



Suppose you’re a CMDB or ITSM user. In that case, you are probably spending much time editing relationships, only to find out they don’t make architectural sense, because there are no rules behind the recommendations. This is how simple & visual creating relationships looks like in FREELUCY:


FREELUCY extends ServiceNow's capabilities to connect relationships. By using its simple drag & drop function, you can take the CI elements you need from the CMDB and start creating the relationships. It will automatically show you all relevant relationship types, based on real-time data. And the best part is – only allowed relationships will be created!


FREELUCY and Enterprise Architects & Solution Architects

If you’re looking for the enhanced version of the relationship picker on ServiceNow, that also sticks to the metamodel and has governance behind it – FREELUCY can answer all those requirements! (Have you watched our short FREELUCY webinar yet?)

It is an intuitive relationship editor that uses a simple drag & drop to structure your relationships. And there's more: while connecting the different elements, you only get suggestions for allowed relationships according to the underlying metamodel. Allowed relationships in FREELUCY are highlighted like this:


The data quality of your relationships will improve significantly so that you can make better impact analysis across:

  • processes
  • applications
  • technologies
  • ...and more!


Managing Relationships in ServiceNow

If you want to take a deeper look at what FREELUCY has to offer, watch our walkthrough video here:


Are you convinced yet? Download FREELUCY now:

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